Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Ok, so I know it has been awhile! It has been so long that I almost feel like I need to reintroduce myself into the blogger world. I honestly have to admit that I am an avid follower of many blogs and I have yet to look at one for about a month now......so sorry! Not to mention the neglect my very own family blog has suffered and our adoption blog that Amanda and I really have good intentions for (I blame her on that one....heehee! The poor birth mom gets the brunt of a lot of negative garbage so I might as well give her more right?) . Anyway, I'm back and I will quickly summarize our life over the past several weeks as best that I can.

Obviously we've done a lot of this:

We've had several visitors, and even a couple who ended up overlapping days. Most of June was spent with an extra body or four in the house and we welcomed each of them with the best Southern hospitality people originating and living in Colorado most of their lives could bring forth. I helped two families house shop, one of which moved in this weekend and the other will be joining us in South Carolina in September! YEAH, I now have friends who live close! The ironic thing is that besides my mom these two families were our visitors numero uno and numero dos....guess they liked it here huh? Fun, Fun, fun! One family came for business and the other is coming for....well....US! Welcome ya'll, so excited to have you close.

Then, just as I thought things couldn't get better our VERY VERY VERY besties came out to visit! I love them! They just "get" us. I'm not sure what I've ever done to deserve a friendship like I have but it just works. I know that people think they have the best bestie but I promise you, you don't because I have her! We can eat, sleep, drink, drink, drink, and not get enough of them. When they came it felt like it took forever for them to get here and when they had to leave it came entirely too fast! Here's a sneak peek of our time together:

After we solemnly dropped our BFF's off at the airport we still held onto their spunky, full of life, love-her-like-our-own, tweenager! She kept Emma on her high of high for the next two weeks until we made our trek back across the country.

I am admitting a little bit of insanity when I say what I am about to say. I road tripped it with seven kids.......ALONE! Actually, I think I could go pretty far trying to get the most patient mother award or maybe the mom who loves adventure award but the reality is, they are seven great kids who were really easy to appease for the 27 hour (turned 30+ hour) little road trip. Basically what I'm saying is that it was simple. It took just three 9 hour days and a few potty breaks (de-emphasis on "few") to get back to my roots in Colorado (where I am currently blogging from). Maybe I knew it was all worth it so it made it easier? Maybe I just like getting somewhere? Maybe I am so out of it, I don't know when it should be stressful anymore? Whatever it was, it wasn't as bad as I could play off!

Now that I am back on my native soil, we've been busy, busy, busy. It's the kind of busy that is fun and rewarding too. It's the kind of busy that makes summer, summer! It's the kind of busy that gets you all warm inside and keeps your smile on the outside. Our visit has been nothing short of amazing.

We've played with friends and family.

We've celebrated our two boys birthdays.

We've had plenty of sweaty togetherness.

We've realized some things never change and yet they are still shockers, like this:
leaving home!

passing into Colorado!

and...........we've gotten to spend some very needed bonding time with our joy in life, Tait!!

Oh yes she did let me see him and hold him and keep him all night to cuddle and spoil and laugh at.

I spent more time grieving the fact that he's not all mine, but reminding myself how grateful I am that I can still feel his little face and hold his tiny body in my arms. I took millions of pictures and soaked up each second I've gotten to be with him. I still get to have him two more days and I am planning on staring into those great big green eyes and thanking my lucky stars that I get to be a part of this boys life. He will do great things, I just know he has a calling to fulfill.
We'll be here for a little more than a week longer. As much as I am loving our visit, I'm hating my time away from my mister. In fifteen years of marriage this is by far the longest we've been apart and for good reason.....we aren't good at being apart.

That about sums it up.