Saturday, April 17, 2010

Once I Caught My Hair on Fire!
In 1999 Josh and I bought our first house. It was in a great neighborhood, centrally located, the perfect size for a family with two kids and a dog, a wonderful floor plan and beautifully decorated. More than all that, it was a dream come true! We finally owned a house after 4 years of marriage and two kids later.

I spent forever planning and decorating this house. I considered every color of paint and each swatch of wallpaper. Josh and I and some of our friends spent countless hours putting all the pieces together. I custom ordered furniture to fit in each quaint little room. When the people from the sales office stopped by one day and saw the interior of our home they asked if they could feature our home on the builders website. Of course I was proud and thrilled to let them in with their cameras to film, and up on the website we went. With all of that said, I was most intrigued with the idea of my 5-piece bathroom and jetted tub. I had imagined sitting in a big bath full of bubbles with lit candles all about just getting away from it all. I thought I'd soak and relax and come out a different woman.

When my plans finally played out and the house was finished and I actually could muster up enough energy at the end of the day to be able to do just that, I did! I soaked in the tub and lit candles and relaxed. Some days I'd soak with my eyes closed until the water got cold enough to kick me out on it's own. Other days I'd soak with a good book or parenting magazine. I have many water soaked pages of books to prove I had numerous chances to relish in my bathtub. One evening while settling down before bed, I lit my candles, poured in the bubbles, started the jets and hopped in. I could vaguely hear Josh across the hall in our office on the phone with a client. I eased down and closed my eyes. In just a matter of minutes I could smell some awful smell. It was distinct, unlike the scent of a relaxation candle and when my eyes opened and I saw my reflection in the glass of the shower doors, I realized MY HAIR WAS ON FIRE! Shear panic swept over my recently relaxed body and I was flooded with the emotion of how bad this could really get. I realized how awful this could turn out. I realized that holy hell, this is not good! All that emotion lasted a split second before I was awakened to the fact that I am sitting in a tub of water and can be rescued! I can fix this problem by just dipping under the water and it can be all over. I realized it's not what I planned to do in this moment, it's not what I wanted but I have a way out and some help on the way so for that I have a sense of relief. I have a sense of relief although I also fear for what the outcome could still be. Obviously, I still have hair so I needed to not have the fear, I survived the emotional turmoil and even have a great story to share.

Right now, our family is dealing with some harsh realities. Some harsh realities that we've been dealing with since September 29, of 2005. That is the exact date that two of our children joined our family. They were 2 and 3 and had been in terrible situations their entire little lives. That is the date where everything changed. We had hopes of things going smoothly and blissfully living happily ever after. We had dreams of another male figure in our home and the dynamics that male presence would bring to our family. We had ignorant visions of all adoptions going as smoothly as our first one. We unfairly grouped all kids in the category of "as long as you shower them with enough love, they can heal and love back". Just like our first home, I had spent forever planning for their arrival, dreaming of what was to come. Over analyzing every part of the process and meticulously filling out piles of paperwork. Josh and I spent countless hours over what we could do for a child needing a loving home and what they in turn could do for our family. What we got has not been so easy. What we got, frankly has been very hard and recently we have discovered the "name" for what we got. See here to learn about some of what we have experienced or if you have adopted children you are struggling with. (Now, I do not recommend just looking at a website for diagnosing children AT ALL! Please seek a professional if you have a child you think may fall into one of these categories.) We are in the process of getting our two kiddos into counseling and some help for the rest of us who have endured more than we've played off for the last (almost) 5 years. I'm laying all of this out here finally not because I need sympathy or as an "I told you so" to the people who kept telling me that they saw nothing wrong with my kids who I knew were "off" somehow, but instead, because just recently I have encountered several situations where people have said "Well, you don't understand because your adoptions have gone perfectly.". I felt deeply saddened over these comments. I let them slide but was secretly screaming inside at the flippant attitude I'd been given for 4 1/2 years of struggle and then later when I was alone it dawned on me...."This is MY problem! This is NOT any one trying to be rude or harsh! This is MY issue, I haven't been honest with people" . In my attempts to not have people harshly judging my children, pointing a negative finger at adoption, or labeling our family; I have inadvertently lied to people. For that, I am sorry! I am coming clean now. This is hard, this is really, really hard and we've all paid a big price for what I know long term will all be worth our efforts. I have to keep hoping that, otherwise I am sure I would have given up!

Why my hair story? Well, now that we are making steps in the right direction. Proper steps to help cope with what we've been dealt. I am at that same emotional point when I realized my hair was on fire and yet I was sitting in a tub of water. Right now I'm at the same point when shear panic has swept over my recently relaxed body and I am flooded with the emotion of how bad this could really get. I'm realizing how awful this could turn out. I'm realizing that holy hell, this is not good! All that emotion lasted a split second before I was awakened to the fact that I am not the only one who's been through this and there are therapists out there and we can be rescued! I can ease the burden of this overwhelmingly difficult problem by just seeking help. It will never fully go away I'm sure, but our silent struggle of trying to "go it alone" will no longer burden Josh and I. I've realized it's not what I planned to do in this moment, it's not what I wanted for our family but I have some help on the way, so for that I have a sense of relief. I have a sense of relief, although, I also fear for what the outcome could still be. Our family is going to survive this, and in the end we will have a great story of survival and hope to share.

Thank you, for all the encouraging words from the people I actually have shared our struggles with. Plus, a special thanks to Laura, who opened my eyes to the fact that people struggle and there's such a burden lifted when things are out in the open. You've been an amazing leaning post lately. For those of you who need someone who "gets" it in your life, I am here for you. Trust me, you have not done, said or thought anything that I myself have not in the past 4 1/2 years. I understand, I really "get" it and I want and need people in my life who are on this journey with me. Good news is.... all of us RAD moms are sitting in a big tub of water and even though our hair is on fire, in the end we'll have some pretty fascinating stories to share!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

OK, so I know I have been a total slacker when it comes to my blog. I really have had some good intentions too BUT every time I've sat down to blog I get all caught up in some one else's blog and then don't have time for my own! Now, I am finally going to dive in to my life.

We had Jordan and Megan visit for a week. I had a lot of fun, and not really sure what the week would bring before it all started I must admit (for me personally) it turned out to be amazing! Although Josh worked most days Jordan, Megan and I did a lot of exploring. I finally got to check out Boone Hall and it was really fascinating actually. If you're planning on having a little visit out to the "Hunt's new reality" anytime soon, which I am encouraging y'all (I'm embracing the accent, just announced it a few weeks ago to the kids) to do, be ready to go see Boone Hall. It cracks me up a little bit because in all the fliers and brochures they describe Boone Halls claim to fames as the place North and South was filmed, the notebook and........Wheel of Fortune! hahaha! Megan and I had a good laugh over that one. Anyway, we not only saw Boone Hall but drove endlessly exploring, found some great places to eat, walked King street, visited the Old Market, took the trolley by the battery, saw the beautiful houses on Broad street, and had some lazy time at the beach. It was a great visit.

I had to add this picture of this guy. One afternoon while driving down the road, we came upon this guy who was (before we creeped him out by snapping photos) headed down the middle of the highway! Emma announced "That had to be a dare!", I rolled my window down, Jordan hung his camera out and we got this perfect shot of this hot rod adorned with ski goggles and all! It so reminded me of the scene in Dumb and Dumber when they are headed to Vail, Co on a scooter!

Now, I'm single momming it this week. Thursday Josh left for Denver and stayed until early Sunday morning. While there he did get to see this guy:
Yes, I am jealous but thank goodness for Ichat because we all got to see and talk to the little man and he got to see us too. He wasn't quite sure how he could all of a sudden interact with the T.V. but he stayed engaged the whole time we chatted. Josh took him for another haircut and out to eat. He gave him a sucker and some ice cream. Josh told me he felt like a grandparent who gets to have all the fun, sugar them up and hand them back off. I guess we are trying to make the best out of the worst case scenario of adoption!

After leaving Denver Josh headed to Austin for business until Thursday. He tries to spend time with Gary and Angela (Josh's good friend from way back when) each time he goes and again although I am jealous I'm glad he got this time. I am hoping he invited them out to spend some time with us. Our families are both big and fun and love each other so I know it would be nothing but non-stop chaotic laughs! A bonus this trip was that Josh's other good friend, Joel, from long ago was there visiting Gary and Angela so he spent time with him too. Did I mention how I am jealous?

Well, next big adventure? Graysie's birth mom and her family are coming for a visit on Saturday! We can't wait. I'm sure we are going to have a great visit and do lots of exploring. They are joining us on Sunday for Josh's birthday and the Boone Hall Strawberry festival! A couple summers ago Amanda and I bought all the girls matching strawberry outfits. She bought Sophie's in a 2t even though she was an infant and guess what? Just so happens that Sophie can now wear it and the Strawberry festival is happening. It's like we planned it.....except we didn't so it's even better!

That's all the new news from this blog slacker!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Laugh or Cry? I chose....laugh!

So I know it's been awhile since I've blogged. Do not be fooled, this does not mean that nothing has been happening!

Just a few days ago, Josh and I and our herd of kids went into Target. I had a few items to pick up and Mihya had a gift card she got for her birthday that was burning a hole in her little pocket. Josh, being brilliant like he is, came up with a phenomenal plan to "split up". Immediately I cringed because if past experiences predict my future I already know this can be nothing but bad. Being the personality type that he is, Josh proceeded with his own plan because that is what he had in his mind. Not only do we split up but I end up with Mrs. ADD, the human megaphone, and chatty Cathy!! How is it that Josh can always maneuver it so that he ends up with the servant hearted, Mrs. extreme cautious and the mute? I don't know, but I knew I had gotten the shaft from the beginning. I smiled, he smiled and we went our separate ways.

Josh headed down the isle with his troop toward the little girls section or CD's so Mihya could spend her loot. I browsed around with my gang looking for some plain t-shirts to sweat around the house in. I was pretty much just leisurely walking through as the three stooges picked things up they thought I should be buying. Some of the things I agreed with and put in my cart, some of the things I am appalled by and some of the things I'm laughing inside trying to picture myself wearing. Then, I took my gang to the area in the store that most moms are cautious to avoid with children.....the bra and under wear section. I know, I know I sound insane but this was one of the reasons I came in the first place. I needed some new unders that weren't expensive for reasons no man reading this blog wants to hear about concerning a certain time of month. Now, Josh knew this was my plan going in so I am sure this played a big role in why he left me high and dry with three out of six kids (I guess I should thank him that he didn't bail on me with all six?). I start scoping out the ones that would be best for the purpose I need them to serve and just as I start to get really focused on my task at hand chatty Cathy picks up a pair of thong under wear over her head, hands on each side string and says "what are THESE for?" I chuckle a bit at the predicament that I am in and say "without those straps the panties cannot stay up." With that Mrs ADD is trying to melt into the ground and the megaphone is yelling "put those down, why are you holding those in the air?" I of course am laughing a bit harder now and say to all of them "it's ok, come help me find some cute panties" when chatty Cathy proceeds to enquire about what she is holding above her head "yes, but see how they are so little? why are they so little? are these panties for mommies or for little girls? You have some of these don't you mommy? I like yours. (turning to a young mom standing by) don't you like these? My mommy is going to buy some more panties today. Do you get this kind? (off subject) I like your baby. See all these panties over here? They have all kinds of decorations on them over here. Mommy, do you need more of these kinds of panties or the ones that have a big butt spot?......" on and on she went, because as you know when you pull the string....she will talk!! I am now laughing at the innocent women with infants in their carts who really have no clue what the next 18 years will be bringing them. One actually has the nerve to say "oh, I can't wait for that stage" I respond by saying "trust me, you can!". I get everyone refocused on my "life size" panty purchase and high tail it out of the panty section as soon as my selections are made, a relief for Mrs. ADD and myself.

Just when I think things could not get worse, I head with my troop to the fitting room. No, I'm not trying on my granny panties, but I am going to try on the few items that ended up in my cart before hand. All four of us squeeze into the cramped space intended for one and I start trying on clothes. Of course they each have something to say as each new item gets put on and I check it out in the mirror. I don't really know why I felt inclined to try these clothes on in the first place. For starters, I am buying things to stay home and clean the house in and worse case they are to small and I'm out a whole $2. Anyway, i am here trying on clothes with three kids in a Target dressing room when I pull out a pair of shorts one of my assistants had put in the cart. If you've seen me at all you know that I am not lacking curves on the bottom portion of my body. In fact, I am quite curvy and admittedly have no idea how most of my jeans ever fit around my waste after having to make it up and around the lower region. I really do like the shorts though and think that for what its worth I am going to try them on. Well, I have six eyes watching me, and I think somehow subconsciously I had forgotten that. So, I step into the jeans when out from the quiet fitting room my human megaphone announces "I do not think those are going to fit you mom!" I give my crustiest "lower your voice!" look in her direction when chatty Cathy starts in "are you sure that's your size? that doesn't look like your size. Emma, did you get her the wrong size? wow, I think those are to little and you should get some other ones. ......" At this point I am standing straight up with the much too small shorts around my ankles with a horrified "oh. my. gosh.......I can't believe this is happening" look directed right at Mrs. ADD who is folded over in a gut wrenching fit of laughter. My human megaphone and chatty Cathy continue their ramblings while ADD and I get to laughing so hard, we cannot even speak. I'm serious, I don't know exactly how long this went on but I felt like it was ages. I felt like they had high tea and scones while commentating on my disastrous choice of short size......but I could not speak!! Other snickers started coming from several of the dressing rooms and with that ADD and I laughed harder and more uncontrollably. As we laughed harder megaphone and chatty enquired more about the situation at hand. Ramblings such as "how are you going to pull them up? Are they stuck down there? Are you SURE that's your size? Mom. Mom. Mom (while being patted) Maybe they mixed up the tags...." Finally, I regained control, gave some short "thank you for your insight" answer, picked up the items I'd be purchasing and swiftly exited the dressing room. We were promptly greeted by Josh and his relaxed group where I told him "we need to go and we need to go fast, I have no idea who was in there but I promise you it would embarrass you if it is someone you know from the office so let's get a move on!"

I'm still smiling about how funny it all was. I'm secretly (although mortified at times) grateful that we have such a quirky, even obnoxious at times, family. I can't imagine having a family that never laughed together. So, when many people would curl up in a ball and cry, I'm going to chose to laugh at all these wonderful memories of childhood innocence.......and share them with you, so hopefully you can laugh too!

Friday, April 2, 2010