Saturday, October 2, 2010

Unpredictable IS My New Predictable!!

Hi, I'm Ambyr and I'm a recovering blog neglector.......

OH MY GOSH MY LIFE HAS BEEN BUSY, and full of fun new exciting things. This post is going to be a barfing of all that has been happening here in Huntworld and then maybe I wont be so overwhelmed with the blog that I stop avoiding it....maybe? Someone second that thought please!

Run, Run as Fast as You Can: So, I think I mentioned previously that I had been trying to lose weight. I think I also mentioned that I was at a dead stop pretty much and had no light in sight. Not even a little pin drop of light was peeking through on the horizon. I think I had lost 1 measly pound in 6 stupid weeks the last time I updated all of you who really could care less about my weight struggles. Then, then a great thing happened. We got inspired by our friend who was getting his leg amputated from right below the knee. Yes, he got his leg amputated and yet his whole past was packed with really great moments that were inspired by his running passion. I heard about this and was really sick, and yet he was upbeat. He was convinced he would someday run again and just talking to him, I was convinced he would too! I mean like seriously convinced he would run and run well! So, I got to thinking (and so did a whole group of other people) that geez, if he can be convinced he will run after an amputation then why am I not running right now? Guess what? The only reason I could think of was that I am a big lazy blob who has come up with a lot of excuses that my mind decided to believe! Yep, and then the rest is history! Now, let me clarify....if you do not run, I am not saying I think this of you. No, it was just that for me at that point I'd fallen prey to believing I couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't be able to exercise and lose weight. Once I thought about it and I mean really thought about it, I realized I was fooling myself and I wasn't going to stand for the dumb mind games anymore. When Josh and I started to run, we couldn't even run 1/2 a mile! Now, we are up to 7.2 miles at a time, running 4-5 days a week. I've run for 5 months without fail and without excuses! I'm not selling myself short here. I have a goal in mind and I'm going to hit it! Josh and I have signed up for this 1/2 marathon in December and of course this 1/2 marathon in January that I am so excited for! We have a running group that we meet up with that ironically enough keeps growing the more mileage we hit??? why? I'm not sure. Today we ran our first 10k and made it in 59.06. I am really so proud of myself. Oh....and guess what the best thing about it is.....I've lost 20 lbs!!! woohoo!!! I still have a little ways to reach my weight goal but I am aiming high for my running goals. I now understand why the gingerbread man kept running.....HE HAD A GOAL TO HIT PEOPLE!!!

My New Boyfriend: So, I have a new addiction that has forced me into an affair. Obviously, I'm going to explain myself. So, I am absolutely in LOVE with fresco tacos. I have never been a Starbucks junkie, but I think I have been plagued with a taco addiction just so I have a little more grace for all you Starbucks frequenters. If I am passing by (or even in the close 25 mile radius of) Taco Bell, my van is automatically pulled to the drive thru. I actually have been cosmically pulled to this one particular drive thru so many times that all I do is pull up and say "HI!" and the Taco Bell guy says "Hi Ambyr, I'll have your order at the window" and I pull around. I know it's totally pathetic and disturbing that I have an addiction to such a place as Taco Bell, but I am honest so I had to share the truth. Anyway, I had started to get quite familiar with my Taco Bell guy, Casey. Casey had started to get quite chummy with me also and started giving me "deals" on my $.89 taco and unsweet tea. I mean gosh, my 10% off discount saved me a whole $.10 off AND sometimes when my new man was feeling really generous he'd just throw my tea in for FREE! UH HUH! Now you are seeing why the attraction to him aren't you? Well, after many months of going on this way the kids started to call him my "boyfriend" and they would giggle and cheer every time I'd get a free drink or discount. When Casey and I started to have more conversation like my vacations and work and kids, they really hooted it up and laughed and teased that my "boyfriend" and I were getting serious. It was a hysterical joke and besides my boyfriends sexual preference in mates , I could have been his dream come true! When I went to Denver he asked me to grab him a rock.....he collects rocks..... and I know this because that's just how close we really are. So, months and months of joking and laughing and teasing went on when one day my little princess, Mihya, from the back seat says really serious " dad know you have a boyfriend?" Oh my gosh! Seriously, Mihya? Yes, she was. In the calmest way I knew how (while busting a gut with laughter) I had to explain to my girl that, yes, dad knows I have a serious addiction to Taco Bell, so serious that I have a friend who knows me by name and gives me deals but that NO, he is NOT really my boyfriend! Casey did tell Josh he had nothing to worry about and that if his wife was spending this much time with another man it's good that he is gay (isn't my boyfriend funny?). Had I known that Mihya thought I was cheating on her daddy for months, I would have clarified this to her much sooner. In the meantime, I still have my friend who is a boy who gives me "deals" at Taco Bell! I need some serious intervention!

Working 9 to 5, What a Way to Make a Living: In the midst of my chaotic life, when things just were about to slow down, I took on a new job. I'm working with a really awesome guy though so it's all worth it. Actually, I have been going into the office to help Josh out. We had always worked our real estate business together and in all the moving and adding of kids and traveling across the country ready for new adventures we just got out of the "normal" in our life and I ended up taking care of business at home while Josh worked in the office. So, when the kids started school in August, Josh and I decided we needed to get back to our favorite thing in the world...working together. At first I was a little hesitant because I just wasn't convinced I would have enough to do with all our great employees who work so hard. Boy was that a stupid thought! GEEZ, I am buried up to my eyeballs in work! I'm loving it though and really forgot how great adult interaction feels. Although I'm not sure why my office partners (neither of them being Josh) are so crazy and goofy all the time....hmmmm....I'm not really going to admit a common denominator though! Yep, I'm a working mom with 6 kids....just saying it makes me want to go rest.

I guess that is enough for this blog post. At this point you may have to break it up into two days of reading since I rambled on and on. But, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!

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