Tuesday, August 19, 2008

School's Back In Session!

Well the kids started back to school today after their short three week summer break. We had a lot of pool days, Southlands movies and fountains, Elitches, park days, and fun! Boy, was it a rude awakening this morning when the alarm went off and we had to run around getting kids showered, dressed... oh and even fed! We managed without any tears or major crisis and even left the house about 5 minutes early (after of course i snapped a few pictures). The really funny thing was that i had talked to Josh twice before he even got to the school to drop the kids off, our house was SO quiet. Kayela went to Aunt Tiffany's house because her official start date isn't until next Monday but I needed to get some work done since i had taken off so much time with the kids in the past couple of weeks. Kayela, like the other 5, will be going Monday-Friday. She is starting at Belle's and Beaus and i think she will just love every minute of it. Not to mention we will love the break, don't get me wrong i love the parenting thing its just so DAILY!


Tiffany Hunt said...

Daily...LOL...thats funny! Anyway, looks good Ambyr, Kayela is "napping"
(or watching a movie with Abby in Abby's room) right now, she has been very very good today. I love the pic. of the kids in front of the school. I hope everyones first day back goes GREAT!!! This whole blogging thing is kinda fun, I'm not usually much of a techie kind of girl, but I like this! Tell the kids I love them.

Tiffany Hunt said...

Oops, oh, I mean, I love the pic of the kids in front of your HOUSE, ready for school is cute! LOL!