Wednesday, April 14, 2010

OK, so I know I have been a total slacker when it comes to my blog. I really have had some good intentions too BUT every time I've sat down to blog I get all caught up in some one else's blog and then don't have time for my own! Now, I am finally going to dive in to my life.

We had Jordan and Megan visit for a week. I had a lot of fun, and not really sure what the week would bring before it all started I must admit (for me personally) it turned out to be amazing! Although Josh worked most days Jordan, Megan and I did a lot of exploring. I finally got to check out Boone Hall and it was really fascinating actually. If you're planning on having a little visit out to the "Hunt's new reality" anytime soon, which I am encouraging y'all (I'm embracing the accent, just announced it a few weeks ago to the kids) to do, be ready to go see Boone Hall. It cracks me up a little bit because in all the fliers and brochures they describe Boone Halls claim to fames as the place North and South was filmed, the notebook and........Wheel of Fortune! hahaha! Megan and I had a good laugh over that one. Anyway, we not only saw Boone Hall but drove endlessly exploring, found some great places to eat, walked King street, visited the Old Market, took the trolley by the battery, saw the beautiful houses on Broad street, and had some lazy time at the beach. It was a great visit.

I had to add this picture of this guy. One afternoon while driving down the road, we came upon this guy who was (before we creeped him out by snapping photos) headed down the middle of the highway! Emma announced "That had to be a dare!", I rolled my window down, Jordan hung his camera out and we got this perfect shot of this hot rod adorned with ski goggles and all! It so reminded me of the scene in Dumb and Dumber when they are headed to Vail, Co on a scooter!

Now, I'm single momming it this week. Thursday Josh left for Denver and stayed until early Sunday morning. While there he did get to see this guy:
Yes, I am jealous but thank goodness for Ichat because we all got to see and talk to the little man and he got to see us too. He wasn't quite sure how he could all of a sudden interact with the T.V. but he stayed engaged the whole time we chatted. Josh took him for another haircut and out to eat. He gave him a sucker and some ice cream. Josh told me he felt like a grandparent who gets to have all the fun, sugar them up and hand them back off. I guess we are trying to make the best out of the worst case scenario of adoption!

After leaving Denver Josh headed to Austin for business until Thursday. He tries to spend time with Gary and Angela (Josh's good friend from way back when) each time he goes and again although I am jealous I'm glad he got this time. I am hoping he invited them out to spend some time with us. Our families are both big and fun and love each other so I know it would be nothing but non-stop chaotic laughs! A bonus this trip was that Josh's other good friend, Joel, from long ago was there visiting Gary and Angela so he spent time with him too. Did I mention how I am jealous?

Well, next big adventure? Graysie's birth mom and her family are coming for a visit on Saturday! We can't wait. I'm sure we are going to have a great visit and do lots of exploring. They are joining us on Sunday for Josh's birthday and the Boone Hall Strawberry festival! A couple summers ago Amanda and I bought all the girls matching strawberry outfits. She bought Sophie's in a 2t even though she was an infant and guess what? Just so happens that Sophie can now wear it and the Strawberry festival is happening. It's like we planned it.....except we didn't so it's even better!

That's all the new news from this blog slacker!

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