Monday, November 16, 2009

I don't drink Starbucks. I don't drink coffee....AND....with that said, I don't even drink caffeine. Although I've stated all of the above, for some strange reason I still end up finding myself in Starbucks. Each time I do, it is such a hilarious thing for me. Really, it totally just cracks me up at what people are willing to say to get the "perfect" cup of coffee. As I sat in the coffee shop I heard things like "180 degree, no water Chi, 3 pump, double whip, no foam, double cupped, personal cup, shaken...."....the list goes on and on! Quiet frankly, I don't even know what any of that means and I just can't help but wonder how all of these people ended up knowing what any of that means. Really, is their a class? How do you decide if you need a half a pump or a 3/4 pump? Does that really make or break the drink? The other thing that goes through my mind is the movie "Kicking and Screaming". It is really how I see all of you Starbucks junkies (if you haven't seen that movie watch it now!). I just can't help but laugh out loud and sometimes I want to ask them to repeat their order so I can record it and play it back to myself when I need a little pick-me-up.

The reality is, that as funny as I find the orders, I just can't help but wonder who the people behind the orders really are. Maybe all these people order different drinks depending on their moods and life challenges. The guy who just walked through the door and ordered coffee "black" and never acknowledged the barista (a term I had to verify through my personal "Starbucks junkie") might be in the middle of a bitter divorce and wants nothing more to clutter his life like whip and pumps of anything. What about the sweet couple who walked through the door together and brought their own cups. She orders for him...but does he even like what she got him, or does he just do what he is told? How about the teenagers who come through. You can tell they are "regulars" as they rattle off their mile long drink orders filled with pumps and shots and a full load of just about every ingredient that Starbucks offers. Not a care in the world, they want to experience it all!

With all of that said, it got me thinking about my kids and their personalities and exactly what I thought they would order. Here is what I came up with:
EmmaLeigh- She would order a venti (the biggest I'm told). She will get whatever they tell her is the "featured" drink as she loves to try new things and will put herself out their to always be able to say she tried something different.
Kaidon-This guy would have a different drink depending on the weather. He would be consistent enough that the baristas would know his drink no matter the season. He'd be one that would have a daily "call ahead" order so that it would be ready and waiting for him. If he was running even a minute behind he'd feel it necessary to call and let them know so that they could plan accordingly.
Mihya-She would be getting something different daily. Some days she would be going all out with whatever could bring her mood "up" and other days she would be trying to find things that could bring her "down". The baristas would be anxious each day as to which "Mihya" would be walking through the door.
Graysie-She would be ordering whatever drink is the froufrouist. Her drink would stand out in a crowd and would turn heads it would look so pretty. She might not even like how it tastes but she wouldn't care as long as it was getting the attention it deserved.
Mikael-He'd be going to the same Starbucks at the same time everyday ordering a black decaf coffee. Nice and simple, no changes, no additions. It would need to be decaf just in case caffeine might make him do something he'd regret. The barista would have it waiting for him and he'd hand over the exact change each day. They would never know his name and he'd never say more than "thank you".
Kayela-It wouldn't matter what she ordered because she would only be going in to get a few more words spoken each day. She would know all the baristas names, spouses and birthdays and she would be friends with all the other customers. They would love her too because she would have a compliment for each of them daily.
Tait- All he'd have to do is smile and they'd be handing over the keys!(...or maybe it's just us he has that power over)

In the future, as you order, think of me standing next to you "analyzing" your personality based on your drink. Seriuosly think about what your drink says about you and be sure to let me know what you unveil...I always need a good laugh!


Nanette said...

Oh my gosh! You are not busy planning parties and packing. You are sitting at Starbucks stalkiing poor Starbuckies! And is Froufrouist a word? Do you need to contact Webster to add this word? You are crazy! I say that in a loving way!

Nanette said...

I forgot to mention...I loved your analogies of everyone!

Anonymous said...

Grande, hazelnut, non-fat, extra hot latte. Same thing, every time...summer or winter. AND..the most beautiful part of it is I can go anywhere in the WORLD and it will taste exactly the same every single time. Analyze me all you'd like, just please just don't remind me that I'm throwing down almost 4 bucks every time I order.