Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Back to Life...

back to reality! OH MY GOSH, did we ever get spoiled on our two weeks away! Josh and I had such a great time reconnecting and just catching up with each other. We were lazy and warm and it was SO perfect. Now, back to -9 degrees is a little shock on the 'ole system but we missed the kids (or at least that is what we are telling people so they don't question us as parents)so it's good to be back? well, not really but it sounded convincing didn't it?
So, we left the day after Thanksgiving for our little adventure. Our first stop was Fort Lauder dale, Fl. where we stayed just one night. We wanted to be sure we gave ourselves plenty of time to not miss our ship so we really didn't do much there. Just hung out and geared up for our time away. We boarded our ship on Saturday around noon and were one of the first ones there (not too eager huh?) We were so early they didn't even have our state room cleaned yet. We got ourselves acquainted with the ship and ported out at 4:30 p.m., Sunday we had a sea day, Monday we were in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Tuesday we were at sea again, Wednesday we were in Santa Marta, Columbia, Thursday Cartagena, Columbia, Friday a sea day (we love the sea days best of all! We can be lazy and no one questions why we aren't doing anything!) Saturday we were in Costa Rica and Sunday we ended in Colon, Panama! PHEW! What a great time. We stayed in Panama City, Panama for an extra day and then on to Orlando for the night and back home. The hottest day we had was 112 degrees and the coolest was 65 degrees (a cold front in Florida on our first day...hmmm...that is MY idea of "cold").

I have way to much to post (like lost luggage...TWICE! holding a sloth...way to close for the owners comfort, dressing-up and falling down, trading for an apple...oh and so much more!) to get it all in, so I am going to drag it out over several different posts so you all can get the full effect of our trip. I will then be able to post a ton of pictures and lots of gory details...probably so many details that you'll all be begging me to stop!

Here's some pictures to get started! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Nanette said...

O-K, you simply captivate me! I will patiently await your new blogs telling me how the rich and famous live! :) Loved the pictures!