It is 17 days from being a year ago that our end was painstakingly evident. I am filled with hurt beyond your wildest imagination, awe that I’ve made it 348 more days when I’d felt like I was slowly dying, and pride knowing that everyday I made the decision to not let this “get me.” Over and over throughout this year I have been asked “how?” How can I stand by Josh. How do I keep a smile on my face? How do I not get angry? How do I continue loving him? How are the kids? How am I? How do I see our future? In a nutshell, just “how?”
I’m not sure I can fully convince you, or myself for that matter, that I had made a conscience decision on “how?” the day my world as I knew it was clearly going to be changed. No, I can’t tell you I calmly had the inner talk with myself and eloquently decided “how?” I didn’t look myself in the mirror and say “Ambyr, this is how you’re going to handle this! Ambyr, you will be doing ‘x,y and z’. ” Although, I do remember giving myself an ultimatum, an ultimatum that either I am who I say I am, or I’m not. Not just to Josh, but to myself and this world. Since then, I’ve found a great quote that I hope someday to put in my own words and hold as my mantra in life. It goes, “Trusting oneself to act with integrity remains an abstract exercise until real life challenges arise.” To say “real life challenges” arose for me, is an understatement of sorts.
I know, because some of you are even bold enough to tell me, that I may not be doing what you think I should be doing to take care of myself, my family and my relationship with Josh. I know that some of you have said to yourself that you’d be doing things so differently, and you actually can convince yourself that your way would be the “right” way. Sadly, I know that many of you have had long-winded conversations about what I am doing, how I am doing it and why I am doing it, with someone other than myself, and again, you convince each other that your way would be the “right” way to handle the situation. Just remember my little quote and realize that it’s “an abstract exercise until real life challenges arise” for you! Trust me, I get how you can think you’d do something, when in actuality, you might very well do the opposite if ever faced with that real life circumstance. Fortunately, for me and my family, I am doing the polar opposite of what I said I would do had I ever been faced with my reality. How? I really don’t know.
Had I ever acted solely on my feelings and every emotion that surfaced, we would be a hot mess right now. I have felt everything under the sun in the last 348 days. I can’t tell you for one second that I have always been in control, because that would be an absolute lie. I don’t believe it is even possible for a person to have everything together all the time. I can tell you though, and Josh would verify, that it took me only a few minutes of uncontrollable sobbing before telling myself I needed to make a choice. I had to stand up and decide that I would act with integrity. That I would be exactly who I claim I am. I guess that is the best way I can answer the “how?”
There comes a time in life when you just have to get up and make a decision. Where you put all your fears and “what if’s” behind you and you start moving in the direction that seems to be best at the time. For me, then, and now, I chose to love Josh right where he was at for the person I always knew him to be. Instantly, I chose to love. Did I have any answers concerning my family and our future? No. Did I know why this was all happening? No. Did I understand it all? No. Could I answer the question about homosexuality and hell and the bible? No. Did I need too? No.
You see, my choice wasn’t to uncover the answers, or to save myself from hurt. My choice wasn’t to protect myself from heartache and embarrassment or to blame. My choice was to love my best friend. End of story. I chose to love Josh when he wasn’t very lovable. I chose to love Josh when I was hurt. I chose to love Josh when he wasn’t even acting like himself. I chose to love Josh while I watched my kids fall apart. I chose to love Josh when the dreams I’d had were torn from me. I chose to love Josh when people were telling me to run. I chose to love Josh when I was left to answer the tough questions from our kids, family and friends. I chose to love Josh through his excitement about the future. I chose to love Josh through my fears of never finding the love I deserve. I chose to love Josh through broken commitments and half truths. I just chose that love was the focus at the forefront of my mind. If at the end of the day I could look back and confidently say “I loved him the best I knew how at every given moment” I wholeheartedly felt like we would be OK, better than OK, we would be great! Anytime things would get tough loving Josh was my focus, loving Josh is how I’ve gotten through all of this.
I don’t say all of these things to put myself on a pedestal, or to make Josh out to be some sort of monster. I only say all of what I am saying because I want to be clear that we all get to choose how we are going to react to the choices that the people around us make. I am not perfect, I have let my feelings and emotions take over my actions so many times throughout this. Countless times we have made huge progress forward in our relationship just to have me single handedly push us back ten steps. I regret each time that I have, and yet I acknowledge I am human and can not stay on track every step of this process.
I don’t claim to know where you are at, at this moment in time. I have not walked in your shoes, felt the pain you have felt or lived with your insecurities. I will not act as though I know how I would react in your particular situation, and as I said before “Trusting oneself to act with integrity remains an abstract exercise until real life challenges arise.” I do, however, want to challenge you on something for your own life, because somehow, someway, it has helped me in this tough time. I really want you to think about your biggest struggle right now. Maybe your husband is not gay like mine; maybe it’s your kids, your job, your neighbor, yourself or any number of things I can’t predict. I challenge you to choose to love the people involved. I challenge you to acknowledge your hurt, pain, sadness, loss, fears, insecurities, disbelief, and any other emotion that arises, and choose to still love. To realize we are all humans, none of us are perfect and all of us deserve to have unconditional love. Acknowledge that just because someone else is handing you something you didn’t plan for, does not mean that you are any less capable of loving them where they are at, and for who they have always been to you. Now is the time to not let someone else’s actions dictate your reaction.
I look back on my life now and realize how many times I’ve let my own selfish emotions get in the way of my choice to love someone where they were at. How many times a relationship has been severed just because I chose not to continue loving someone. I don’t want you to confuse loving someone as loving their mistakes, actions, faults and flaws. Trust me, I don’t love all of Josh’s actions in this, but I do LOVE Josh. I won’t dwell on the past, but for me in the future, I hope to take this concept into all my meaningful relationships. I wonder where I would be today had I chosen to just continue loving the people I said I loved, in spite of the choices they were making. Better yet, I know exactly where my family would be right now had I chosen to do anything other than loving Josh, like I had promised I loved him, for the past 17 years.
So, to answer the “how?” questions, I guess to sum it all up, I choose to love. 348 days ago I chose subconsciously to love my best friend, to not make this about me and our family but to just love him where he was at. From now on, I have the same choice in all my important relationships. It will no longer be a choice I fall upon, but instead, a premeditated decision that..........
Today, I choose to love.