Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"We do the Mash,
the monster mash"....The kids all dressed up for their annual school Halloween party. It is a really great time, and the kids have a blast. They also do what is called "trunk-or-treating" out of the back of decorated cars. Wow, do some people get into it! We actually saw a dad dressed as a teenage mutant ninja turtle (I didn't even know they were still around and am actually not fully convinced they are!?!) Cars were jammin' with Halloween music, strobe lights, etc. Josh and I were laughing thinking we could have a whole haunted house for the kids to all walk through if we'd take out the seats in the van (for those of you who don't know, we pretty much drive a pimped out church van!) we'd say "oh, only 10 at a time please!" we had all kinds of great ideas! the sad thing is we are both way to into seeing the kids with their friends having a good time to sit out in the parking lot handing out candy for hours! It's the same on Halloween night, we just don't like missing it so we are the "dark house" (hate to admit that!) where the kids have to just walk on by. The sad thing is, since we have a kid in practically every grade, we pretty much know all the kids in the neighborhood so I hate that I don't get to see all their costumes! It's a double edge sword. heehee! I could always be the person who sets out the bowl of candy with the sign saying "take one", r-e-a-l-l-y? Come on now would YOU just take one? Sometimes we can convince my parents into coming over to hand out candy because they really don't care if their house is the dreaded dark house as long as they see their grand kids all duds up. Anyway, the monster mash was a hit in our house and we got lots of candy (just what we need...six kids on a sugar high). Next big event? Trick-or-Treating. Big Family goal: to each end up with a pillow case full of candy! Thanks to Josh we are teaching our kids early about goal setting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi mihya its brianna olson from pinckney we miss you you are awesome!!!!!