Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Have A Good Laugh On Emma!

I think Emma is so hysterical! She is pretty quirky for a girl and has always been that way as long as I can remember (which may not be all that long ago since I can't recall what I ate for breakfast, but you get the point right?). She is passionate about certain things that neither Josh or I put into her brain but that she is certain are "right". For instance, women's rights are huge to her! I've never even given it a thought. (sorry all you activists out there....if I've raised one somehow does that count for something?) Personally, I don't feel like our world is that "lop-sided" or maybe it's just that I haven't taken the time to stop and acknowledge it? I don't know! Clearly, Josh hasn't put the concern for women's rights in her head...let's just stop and laugh at the thought of him doing that right now....baah ha ha! Anyway, that is one of her passions and good for her! (just a warning though...DO NOT GET HER TALKING ABOUT IT! unless you have a good long time to hear all of her concerns) I'm proud of her for believing in and feeling free to express what has been laid on her heart.

Now, you have to understand Emma is my twin but she has all of her dad's personality traits (except she does laugh at EVERYTHING just like I do). So, when she is passionate about something trust me you know about it. What she says she is going to do she does and she makes it look effortless (it's really annoying to watch especially because even the things I am good at, I can make look really hard). Then to top it off she notices things, just like Josh does, about people that I just don't tend to see. Once she points them out it is clear to me but I would never notice some of the things she does on my own. So, now she is on a new kick that I find absolutely hysterical! Keep in mind that Emma is not a "girly-girl" AT ALL! They tend to irritate her! Watch this video:

I hope you all find this as funny as I do! Just to clarify....her new focus lies in people who want you to notice that they have worked REALLY hard at something! For some reason that cracks her up and in turn it cracks me up!

My life is so good...I love laughing!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mihya Qwencie is Eight!

Well our little princess turned eight on the 25Th. I am a little slow on my whole blogging these days but I guess it is better late than never. The good news is that now I actually had some pictures of her party. Yes, this year Mihya kept it simple for us. All she wanted was to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua and to make her own clown cone! Uh....ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ALL THESE YEARS OF SUFFERING THROUGH MONKEY BUSINESS AND PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY AND ALL SHE CARES ABOUT IS CLOWN CONES AND A MOVIE? It just goes to show that maybe sometimes we make things more difficult than we need to.

Enjoy these silly eight year old photos and videos:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Seven Dwarfs
After many long months of waiting our phone call finally came! I haven't even blogged about this because I am one of those people that hates waiting and even more than waiting I hate talking about the fact that I am waiting. Yes, when I make a decision it means that I am ready....NOW! I've kept this a secret because it is a huge pet peeve of mine when I am pregnant and people ask "how much longer do you have?" and when we adopt I hate the question "have you heard anything yet?" Talk about prolonging the agony people!

I am sure by now you are already pretty informed about what "phone call" we got but for those of you that are sure no one could be that insane...Yes, we have been waiting to adopt again. In the grand scheme of things waiting for 8 months doesn't seem like that big of deal but they told us it would be Halloween time when they thought we'd get the call so now that it is spring, I have to say it was nothing less than brutal.

So, I am assuming you'd like some details huh? It is a little boy. Born on March 4Th. He weighed just 4 pounds when he was born and was in the NICU. He was born addicted (Mikael and Kayela were too so yes we are ready for that....it's been the main question I've received so far). At this point we are not sure when we will be able to take him home and of course it is an adoption so their are no guarantees anyway. We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our new man! Obviously when our new boss comes home I will be posting some photos of him and I look forward to "sharing" him with all of you. What an adventure we are living!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Breathing Again!
Well we are in and settled and loving the new house. The kids are loving all the wide open spaces and Josh and I are loving that they are loving the wide open spaces! They are only coming in for the bathroom and food and actually I am not going to guarantee the boys are coming in for the bathroom 100% of the time....hmmmm! Either that or they are just totally dehydrated!

It is going to take some getting used to living out here on 2 acres, so much is absolutely different than neighborhood living. I am sure most of the neighbors know we are total city slickers!

Things we have found out about "country living" in just two weeks:

  • You must always look presentable because it is a definite that someone WILL be stopping by
  • Your business is everyone else's business whether you know it or like it or not
  • The mayor is serious about his job
  • No one knows street names they know your home by it's location (we are the pond house)
  • Have your hand accessible at all times while driving it's the law to wave at people while passing them on the road, if you don't they know your an "outsider".
  • You can dress up the kids but they inevitably will end up with mud caked shoes, so just start them out in them and save yourself some headache
  • Coyotes are loud creatures and if you choose to leave your windows open at night so you can listen to their beautiful sounds you will be woken up every hour on the hour wishing they'd just shut up!
  • I now know the true meaning of "mud room" because the kids bring in more unidentifiable things than you can imagine
  • When the kids go to see if the neighbors can play I don't need to panic if I don't see them in 5 minutes, I need to worry after about a half hour.
  • Survivor may be a harder game for me to play than I thought because I am a spaz about moving objects in the middle of a field

So far, we are just loving our new home and can't wait for summer BBQ's! I'm sure living on the land will give me many adventures to blog about.