Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Seven Dwarfs
After many long months of waiting our phone call finally came! I haven't even blogged about this because I am one of those people that hates waiting and even more than waiting I hate talking about the fact that I am waiting. Yes, when I make a decision it means that I am ready....NOW! I've kept this a secret because it is a huge pet peeve of mine when I am pregnant and people ask "how much longer do you have?" and when we adopt I hate the question "have you heard anything yet?" Talk about prolonging the agony people!

I am sure by now you are already pretty informed about what "phone call" we got but for those of you that are sure no one could be that insane...Yes, we have been waiting to adopt again. In the grand scheme of things waiting for 8 months doesn't seem like that big of deal but they told us it would be Halloween time when they thought we'd get the call so now that it is spring, I have to say it was nothing less than brutal.

So, I am assuming you'd like some details huh? It is a little boy. Born on March 4Th. He weighed just 4 pounds when he was born and was in the NICU. He was born addicted (Mikael and Kayela were too so yes we are ready for's been the main question I've received so far). At this point we are not sure when we will be able to take him home and of course it is an adoption so their are no guarantees anyway. We are so excited and cannot wait to meet our new man! Obviously when our new boss comes home I will be posting some photos of him and I look forward to "sharing" him with all of you. What an adventure we are living!

1 comment:

Nanette said...

Can't wait to see pictures! There is never a dull moment at the Hunts! Have he kiddies transfered over to Creekside yet? Hope they are all doing well also. xo