Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mihya Qwencie is Eight!

Well our little princess turned eight on the 25Th. I am a little slow on my whole blogging these days but I guess it is better late than never. The good news is that now I actually had some pictures of her party. Yes, this year Mihya kept it simple for us. All she wanted was to watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua and to make her own clown cone! Uh....ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ALL THESE YEARS OF SUFFERING THROUGH MONKEY BUSINESS AND PAINT YOUR OWN POTTERY AND ALL SHE CARES ABOUT IS CLOWN CONES AND A MOVIE? It just goes to show that maybe sometimes we make things more difficult than we need to.

Enjoy these silly eight year old photos and videos:

1 comment:

Nanette said...

She is still so darn cute!!! But, turning into such a little lady! Loved the pictures!