Thursday, August 27, 2009

"What Do You Drive?"
As I have said many times before, we are total Disney lover's! We love Disney so much that we have even gone on a couple of behind the scenes tours while visiting Disney World. It always cracks me up when they say that the number one asked question each day in Disney World is "when does the 3 o'clock parade start?". Funny to me and you,but I'm not so sure that the Disney cast members really think its very funny, especially those who have worked in the Parks for longer than... oh... say...A DAY!

I am not as crowded as Disney and absolutely not as fun as Disney but I too get asked a TON of questions! Some are really funny and I can't help but laugh at people, some are just absolutely rude and others are just plain getting old to me. If I was really witty I could pop off a few one liners but I am always so preoccupied that I just don't have time to sit down and write up a script of how I'm going to answer people should they ask ___________ question. Wish I did though, I'd love to see people's reactions. I'm sure most of you have seen the Pokemon cards for sale on eBay little ad that is absolutely snort laugh funny. For me, it's funny because it's true! I love it when she says "no, I just gathered up all the neighbor kids to bring with me because it's so much fun bringing six kids to the grocery store" her comeback from the question "are they all yours?". Can you imagine how people would react? I'm sure I wouldn't be winning any friends. I've often thought about saying "how 'bout think about what you just asked me and if it still sounds logical when you've had a few moments to process it, at that point I will go ahead and answer you. I'm almost willing to bet though, that once you've thought about what you just asked me their will be no need for me to answer you!" Really people I would never take my daycare kids from Colorado to Disney World so don't ask if I run a daycare at the 3 o'clock parade on main street!

Josh and I actually love telling our story. It is a good time for us to share our life with people and especially people who are thinking about adoption. I will drop anything I have going on to talk about our experience with adoption. I get questions everywhere I go about having a big family, adoption, organization, laundry,etc. You name it I've probably been asked about it. I get questions from other adoptive moms who are struggling to bond. I love, love, love sharing things with people about our life even though some of the questions get old and my kids can recite the answers I give verbatim it still doesn't ever really bother me. A little common sense from people asking questions gives me more patience but I deal either way.

Like Disney, we do have one question that is asked at least a few times a day....drum roll please....."what DO you drive?" (I want to say a 2-seater Lexus just to see what people do but I'm sure that too would get old.) So, to answer the number one question I need to start out by telling you to read my older post "All or Nothing" and then proceed. So, here's how the story goes.....

Josh and a good friend decided to go to the car show. I knew I was in trouble the second the outing was mentioned to me. When Josh had a big conversion van pull into our driveway just to "show" me the next day, I really knew I was in for it! He waited awhile to actually order our van and when he did it was all over from there. You see, we ordered a "church" van. We had two brand new suburbans and yet my husband ordered me a CHURCH van! It was getting a little tight I have to admit. I could never have anyone help carpool because I couldn't even fit one extra child in our car. We were maxed out, I was freaking out and Josh was pimping out....our van that is. Yes, he had a company in Ft. Collins "pimp our church van". For weeks (that seemed like years) he kept calling me into his office our conversations would go something like this:
"Do you want them to put limo lighting in the van?"
I'd answer "Josh, I will be no part of this you do whatever you think we need"
You see, I knew if I decided even the smallest tweak that I was giving Josh the freedom to say "WE pimped our ride" to this day he cannot tell you WE made any decisions about the van. No, he has to say "I pimped our van".

So, for all you curious people out there...I drive a pimped out van! I have (3) 10" t.v.'s, custom leather seats, custom carpet, vacuums, flashlights, navigation, dog bed, custom paint job, refrigerator, limo lighting, rear back up cameras, and seats....lots and lots of seats. (I'm sure I'm forgetting things Josh will be so bummed I didn't mention too) Not only can we take one extra child for carpool but we can fit 5 extra people in our van and luggage for 14! Basically, I look like a drug dealer or better yet with all these kids I look like I run an orphanage.

1 comment:

Nanette said...

You have got to be kidding me! After that long Blog you didn't even manage to post a photo? What the heck woman! I want the inside and out!