It's a Zoo!
I am always a little baffled at my moments of insanity! Last Friday the kids were out of school and my friend Babette (yes, I consider her my friend again now that the muscles have calmed from our first week of boot camp) called and invited us to go to the zoo. Hmmm... I weigh the option of being couped up in a house all day with 6 kids or go to the zoo? Of-course I choose zoo, being that either way it's the same outcome. I end up exhausted wondering why I had ANOTHER laps in judgement with cranky tired kids. I even consider calling a shrink to get me on something a little stronger than sugar.

Actually, I say that honestly joking! I really have it made at this point. No bottles, diapers, nappers, buckling of car seats, etc. I remember being up to my eyeballs in kids going to the zoo. why? It never failed I would see someone who had it worse than me. Really! A good fit from a 2 year old while you are walking with a cranky infant makes you appreciate that it is not you. Once I went to the zoo when Graysie was and infant still on bottles ( I say once, it did happen more than that just the "incidence" only happened once) which made Mihya 1, Kaidon 2, and Emma 4. Well she was my first I didn't nurse so more often than I want to admit I would forget bottles. This one day in particular we no sooner got to the zoo that I realized I had forgotten a bottle for her. I did have enough formula but that was the extent of it. There was no way I was turning back home with all the hassle it took to get me out the door and of course they didn't sell bottles at the gift shops (they do now just for your information which makes me feel better knowing I am not important enough for the zoo gift shop to accommodate only me, other moms have clearly made this mistake!) So, with all that said I empty out Emmas sippy cup, fill it up with Graysies formula and feed her that way. Boy, was she ticked and I gave quite a show to many people passing by. It's not everyday you see a mom choking her 3 month old baby because she's forcing her to drink out of a sippy cup! Unfortunately that day I was the mom making everyone else feel better that it wasn't them.
So, I realized Friday that all the "this too shall pass" comments I ended up rolling my eyes at and begrudging had really passed I was out of the woods. I walked around the zoo with nothing more that potty breaks (mostly for me). I thoroughly enjoyed the kids and all their great commentary (mostly about monkeys butts) The whole trip was virtually uneventful. Really, parking my giant van and having Babette move some cones out of the way so I could have a spot (no one's going to tow my van out of a parking garage TRUST ME!), finding out you can tear worms to bits and they still at least move (kids are convinced they live?), skeletons of unidentified creatures (good find Christian), and knowing it costs my family less if I just buy a yearly pass as opposed to a one day pass was really the extent of it (who knew you could see animals poop all year long for only $80?) Anyway, another fun day with half a dozen just 5 friends who really "get" us.