Josh is the Better Room Mom!
Ok, so I always warn the teacher's at the beginning of the year that I REALLY do not do well in the classroom. SERIOUSLY! I just have a problem with coughing, boogery, messy haired, dirty kids that are not mine. Now, I do follow up with the fact that Josh is the best room mom they will EVER have. He is awesome with all the kids and they end up loving him. (which in turn makes all their mommies love him as well, which is why he is now on the PTO...yep only male:)) Don't get me wrong I do help out in the classroom, I just do not interact with the kids (it's for their own safety anyway!) so I grade papers, cut out things for lessons, etc. BUT....I did overcome a HUGE obstacle the other day when I received an email from sweet Mrs. Smith (A.K.A "Mrs. Mrs." poor Grays she can't say "Smith") asking for parent volunteers. She was going to be doing a crystal project with these 24 (6) year old monsters! I thought for a minute she was insane and so therefore felt as though it was my parental duty to save my child from this crazy women who actually probably loves her job. So, I promptly reply to her email stating that I will come in to keep the children safe as long as she did not leave me in the room alone with "them". ( I really did say that) She says great see you tomorrow. I had a night to question my brief moment of insanity but what kind of parent would I look like now if I bailed on her? The next day I went in to her empty classroom and she gave me my duties along with two other crazies who said they would help as well. All I had to do was attach a string to a paperclip then we would boil water, add Epsom salts and poor it in their jars, wait 2 days and magically you have made crystals. Obviously, the kids came back and "Mrs. Mrs." explains to the kids in her professional first grade teacher way what we will be doing. They are so excited that the room roars so loud I swear I would have heard them from my house. Anyway, long story short we made it through the project and the kids were proud of just their goofy jars with salt water in them before anything had ever even happened! It was so hysterical! Then for the big treat "Mrs. Mrs." hands out rock candy and Pop Rocks I almost wanted one myself they were so worked up about it but I refrained from asking. The whole weekend I wondered about "our" crystals. I wondered how big they would be and how great it would have been if we had added food coloring ....I was pretty much obsessed about the whole ordeal. Monday morning I think I was the first to call "Mrs. Mrs." about the crystals but disappointingly enough we didn't have one yet! Darn! Oh well there's always tomorrow. So again, I call "Mrs. Mrs." and no crystals. I decide I had better not call her Weds. or she will think I am some psycho path who has now started stalking her. She called me around 4 yesterday to tell me......5 jars have crystals! woohoo! Then I realize "oh my gosh she knows I am a freak because she called ME to tell me "we" have crystals" but I really don't even care. I did have fun and I am SO going in that classroom to see those crystals and I don't even care if the kids are in there with me...they are kind of cute and pretty funny! Maybe I will bring them some candy even!
See's not so bad! :) Oh, and don't under estimate the importance of grading papers and cutting things out!! The kids don't all have to love you for the teacher to appreciate your help!
How are you feeling anyway? How is boot camp going?
I am so proud of you! I seem to be saying that a lot to you. Greg would say that you need too many pats on the back!!! :) Ambyr, you better watch out for those "Cougar type Moms" up at Fox Hollow. They may be trying to take Josh away from you! I guess you could tell them that they could have him as long as they took all the kids and dog with him! By the way... how is he doing with his "Clothes whore" problem? Ooops, I know this is a family friendly web site! Oh, one more thing. Go into and enter your kiddies for the Gap photo contest. The others may as well pack up and kiss the contest good-bye if you enter yours! xo
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