Thursday, September 4, 2008


Emma and Kaidon have taken up golf. They started going to the driving range with josh and just fell in love with it. Kaidon asked for clubs for his birthday and Emma saved up her babysitting money to buy her own plus golf shoes. We put them in lessons and they can't get enough.

Emma was excited at her first lesson when one of her friends from her soccer team showed up as well. The coach seems fantastic with kids and teaches them a lot in their weekly sessions. Today they learned sand wedge and they both said they prefer it over driver.

As much as you wouldn't think golf is exciting, i always get my fill of good stories. Today's stories consisted of a little boy who wanted "advice" from the coach, the coach driving the golf cart so fast that Kaidon's hat flew off and Emma's friend caught it, a little boy had to give Emma his water bottle so he wouldn't fly out of the speeding cart, and of course how can i pass up Emma's comment that she is by far the best golfer out out Tiger Woods!(poor girl has no self esteem I should probably get her into counseling).

Here's some photos of my little golf pro's!

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