Friday, April 17, 2009

This Stinks!
We have a whole new love for a sewer system now that we have "experienced" a septic issue! Yes, the CRAPPY thing backed up. Good thing is that the poop pumper came to pump it out, bad thing is the last lady had poured a sidewalk right over the cover of the septic! I mean seriously, why would that even sound like a logical thing to do? So now we are knee deep in this turdy task. The lady is saying that this is our issue, although we've only lived here 40 days so I am not sure how much she uses the bathroom, but we couldn't have possibly filled the thing up in just 40 short days.

What's a family to do when we can't use the bathroom, sink, shower, dishwasher and worst of all the LAUNDRY ROOM? We must work together to get ourselves out of this stinky situation. Even the smallest members of our household are equipped for the job. See, Kayela was giving me some moral support and much needed weight for sucking up the sewage out of my carpet before the professionals could get here.

The other really nasty thing is that because we are total city slickers we didn't even know what to do. We called in the poop pumper who only really ....well.....pumps the poop. He informed me that he does no excavating. Once he left I called in a plumber to help with our little back-up who took me for $650 just to land me in the same boat I was in before he got here! Yes, at this point we have another poop pumper coming who can hopefully bring us back to actually being able to use the facilities we are desperately needing to use. We've been given a whole new thought to the saying "full of ......POOP" (family blog)!

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