Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where's the Baby?
OK,'s a waiting game! We appreciate every one's anticipation of our new baby and as I think I mentioned in a previous post that I HATE this part of the adoption process. I really, really hate it! I wander around my house in a daze just wondering what is going on. I am sounding crazy to even myself because every excuse I have is centered around the baby coming. Yep, I had a dishwasher to unload yesterday and I couldn't ya know why? "because I want to wait until the baby gets here!" Then, what about planning a vacation? Uh, no, "we need to wait until we get the baby and see what he's like so we know what type of vacation to plan" we have no food in the house but....."I can't go to the grocery store because I don't want to go now and then get the call to pick him up tomorrow and have to go get baby supplies at the store tomorrow!" I am not saying these excuses are rational, as a matter of fact they are most definitely not rational and that is probably why Josh HATES this part of adoption even more!

I am thinking of making a book called Where's the Baby. Yes, this book will be like the "Where's Waldo" books that came out that you search and search through the pictures until you find Waldo. Once you find Waldo you can solve riddles and find other items like his camera or his shirt. My book will just be pictures of our family in a crowded room and you have to find the person asking "where's the baby?". The second series will hopefully be pictures of our family in a crowded room with someone FINALLY holding him and you'll have to find which one of our family members is asking "where's the baby?" I think it may be a hit!

Unfortunately it is our reality right now so it isn't as much fun as it sounds! Yep, hurry up and wait is our new family motto! Trust me, the first thing I will do when we get the call to finally be able to pick him up, is post on the blog. When we do get him I will be posting pictures and videos on the blog....TRUST ME...YOU WILL ALL KNOW WHEN WE GET OUR NEW CHIEF!

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