Every evening I come up with this giant laundry list of things that I didn't quite complete for the day. I just end up "rolling it over" to the next day. Funny how I always seem to think I have more hours in the day or that all my tasks will just take five minutes. No matter where I'm driving I always plan 15 minutes. I need to go to the bank...15 min. I need to go to the mall...15 min. I need to drop something off in Florida...15 min. I don't know why, but I end up setting myself up for failure and I never get through a whole task list! NEVER! I have high expectations I guess.
Today Mihya gave me a brilliant idea. She made herself a task list that looked something like this:
- get dressed
- eat
- play with Tait
- rest
- play wii
- change Taits diaper if it's wet, not poopy (good to be specific)
- wait for Emma to come home
- read a book
- wait for dad to come home
Do you know how successful I'd feel at the end of each day? "hmm...did I get dressed?.....check! Did I eat?.....double check! let's see here... oh, forgot to check off resting, and I did that!...check!" Seriously can you imagine Josh coming home at the end of the day and me saying "oh, thank God I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to complete my task list but now that you're home I can check off waiting for you!" Better yet "Dinner? oh let me see here, nope! not on my task list today!" My family would surely think I'd need to be admitted to the loony bin but I'd sure feel great about my accomplishments wouldn't I?
Many years ago I read a book called Professionalizing Motherhood. The author did suggest that you write out everything you do in a day so even if you didn't complete each task, you'd still feel good about what items you did complete. I'm not sure she wanted to suggest going as far as putting "get out of bed" on the list, but maybe what I've been trying to accomplish in a day is just way over the top. Maybe that is why no matter how much I get done I still feel like it wasn't enough. I think today one of the things on my "to do" list will be to sit down and rework my "to do" list. Until then, I will just sit with Mihya and wait for Josh to get home!