Sunday, January 4, 2009

House Hunters
Can you believe we are thinking about moving....AGAIN!?! In our 14 years of marriage we have lived in 11 houses and our last house we actually lived in for 6 years. We just really don't stay put much. I always tease about once we landscape, paint, and finish the basement; it's time to head off for another house.

Early on in our "house hunt" we decided that bringing the kids was a TERRIBLE idea. When I say early on I mean they only looked at one house and we dropped them back off at home. It was seriously nuts! Because we are both licensed agents we are lucky that we can be alone in this endeavor and even talk openly in each home and not offend anyone or even get excited without laying all of our cards out on the table, but the kids were just way to much to deal with. I would've thought I was on candid camera if they weren't all my kids! REALLY. They weren't doing anything that "normal" kids wouldn't do but when you have 6 of them doing things kids turns ugly really fast! For instance 6 of them wanted the same bedroom...yes like I said....UGLY!

Then their was Josh. He turned into some kind of alien freak! No joke! He has been married to me way to long to be discussing "fixer upper" uh huh! You know what I am saying don't you? That means it's a rat hole. I am totally OCD for those of you that don't know, so dirty anything is like a time bomb waiting to go off inside my body. I reluctantly (kicking and screaming, not kidding!) went and looked at two with him before (making a long story short) I said "How about this. I will look for the house. I will go see the house. If it passes my approval I will then set another showing and that is when you can decide on the house. Glad we agree.I'll get back with you as soon as my part is complete" I am not kidding, he will say it wasn't this bad if you talk to him, but really the houses he wanted had two great acres, keeping Emma in the middle school that she'd go to with the rest of her friends, and literally the dead trees were the highlight. Yep. Not gonna happen. "fixer upper" to me is changing a wall color from what the builder just painted. No, I am starting to budge a little because acreage would be nice, keeping Emma in the right school a must and an already finished basement to set up our Disney stuff in again would be thrilling. I will not settle for rat hole though, a few tweaks may be OK to get what we want for the long term.....long term maybe even being more than 18 months, who knows!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

You guys are crazy! I hate packing up stuff for just the two of us, I can't imagine packing up a house the size of yours every two years or less. I hope you find one you like!