Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This is really some hard news to share. Last night one of Mihya's children got mauled. Yes, she found the victim today on the counter and was devastated at the sight of her oldest child, Mihya Jr.(original name huh?)

The injury left the victim without any toes on her right foot. Mihya's parents frantically tried consoling her but the thing Mihya finally found comfort in was knowing the American Girl Doll hospital existed! When going over the details of hospital admittance Mihya's mother let her know that Mihya Jr. would be coming home with a smile on her face. That is when Mihya wiped her tears away and said "she still DOES have a smile on her face!" and she sure did!

With the tears gone, the focus now turned to the suspect! The family is pretty sure (actually without a shadow of a doubt) who that "suspect" is. One eye witness, EmmaLeigh Hunt, said she saw the suspect with the victim in his mouth late last night and rescued her from his viscous grip. He seems to still be lingering around the victim in a domineering kind of way. Disgustingly enough, he even drools at the sight of her. We're now calling this attack one of the worst this household has seen. Another eye witness, Ambyr Hunt, was sure he would have gone in for another attack had she not been their to rescue the victim. Our camera crews were on the scene and got a good shot of what the suspect looks like. The family of the victim says it is so amazing how this guy can look so innocent and so guilty all at the same time, but that's why these types of characters must always be watched.

In our research we have found that incidents like this must happen often considering the hype around the American Girl Doll hospital! For just around $50 our victim will come back with a hospital gown, bracelet, a get well balloon, new limb,facial and a much needed hair combing. The family is so grateful this happened to the American Girl Doll and not to the Ashton Drake doll that would have been severely disabled for the rest of her little doll life!

1 comment:

Nanette said...

I thank God every day that the girls were too old for those darn dolls when they became popular! Great story!